Events in Khiva 2024
Khiva is the 2024 Tourism Capital of the Islamic World and The Travel Pages brings you a list of these events in Khiva in 2024 to make any visit there special.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has chosen Khiva as the 2024 Tourism Capital of the Islamic World. The city will host a special programme of events throughout the year, making it the perfect time to visit the Ichan Qala UNESCO World Heritage Site and nearby attractions, and to enjoy the culture and hospitality of the Khorezm Region.

Events in Khiva 2024
21 March is Navruz, the traditional Persian-Turkic New Year, which is celebrated across Uzbekistan on the spring equinox. It’s a public holiday and in Khiva there will be live performances of music and dance at outdoor venues in the Ichan Qala. Navruz is a prime opportunity to see puppeteers from the State Puppet Theatre of Khorezm taking to the streets and causing jubilant chaos with their almost life-size marionettes. It is also an occasion for feasting: don’t miss tasting sumalak, a sweet, festive dish prepared in communal cauldrons for Navruz since ancient times.

The Lazgi International Dance Festival returns to Khiva from 25-30 April. This captivating form of folk dance originated in Khorezm Region and it is inscribed by UNESCO on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The intricate costumes of the dancers juxtapose with the patterned tiles of the monuments, creating an unforgettable riot of colour and delighting spectators and photographers alike.

The Pahlavon Mahmud Strongmen Games will take place in the Ichan Qala from 7-9 June. Pahlavon Mahmud was a 14th century poet, philosopher, and legendary wrestler, and is the patron saint of Khiva. His magnificent tiled mausoleum is one of the city’s most important UNESCO-listed monuments. More than 20 international strongmen are expected to compete in this year’s tournament, which includes seven extreme strength challenges such as lifting Atlas stones, the anchor drag, and a sword hold. Medals and large cash prizes are at stake.

Khiva’s ever-popular Melon Festival is happening from 12-18 August, in Khiva and across Khorezm. Regarded as the king of fruits, there will be huge displays of every type of melon, plus plenty of opportunities to taste them. If melons aren’t your thing, come instead to the Pomegranate Harvest Festival from 19-20 October.

Bollywood is coming to Khiva from 5-6 October with a joint celebration of Holi and Diwali. The ancient, atmospheric Ichan Qala is a sought-after film set and already familiar to Indian audiences from the 2020 movie Khuda Hafiz.
It is International Pilgrimage Tourism Week from 2-6 November. Take time to discover the many Zoroastrian and Islamic sites across Khiva and wider Khorezm, including dozens of mosques, madrassas, and mausoleums, as well as the archaeological ruins of ancient fire temples and a dachma (tower of silence).

From 8-10 November, Khiva will host a festival of food and crafts, highlighting the products of Khorezm. You’ll be able to meet chefs and artisans, attend demonstrations and workshops, and buy direct from creators. Don’t miss tasting shivit oshi, the bright green noodles coloured and flavoured with fresh herbs which are a local speciality.