How to Bring Home Comforts on Your Trip

Who says you can’t take it with you? When you’re miles from home, feeling cozy can make all the difference between a good trip and a great one. Whether you’re battling homesickness or you’re going on an extended trip and you want to make it as comfortable as possible, here’s how to pack a little piece of home no matter where your travels take you.

  1. Pack Your Pleasure

Start with the essentials—your favourite tea, coffee, or that special hot chocolate mix. Just because you’re on the road doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your morning ritual. A familiar taste can start your day with a smile, even on the other side of the world.

  1. Snuggle Up with Your Own Bedding

Space in your suitcase permitting, why not bring a small, lightweight blanket or even your pillowcase? It’s a little touch of your bedroom, minus the bed. The familiar softness and scent can be surprisingly soothing in a strange hotel room.

  1. Curate Your Perfect Playlist

Create a travel playlist with all your favourite tunes. Music is a powerful mood setter and can transport you home in just a few notes. Plus, it’s perfect for tuning out the plane’s hum or the hotel’s bustling hallway.

  1. Bring the Binge

Longing for your Netflix queue? Don’t want to miss the Grand Prix? If you want to know where to watch F1 in Canada or how to access Netflix in Brazil, you only need to use a VPN to access your media subscriptions from anywhere in the world. It’s like having a remote control for accessing home—just without the sofa.

  1. Digital Photo Frame

Load a digital photo frame with pictures of your loved ones, pets, or memorable moments from home. It’s a slideshow of smiles, just a glance away.

  1. Scent-sational Memories

Our sense of smell is closely linked to memory. Pack a small vial of your favourite room fragrance, or a scented candle that smells like home. Just make sure it’s hotel-friendly and safe!

  1. Download Your Favourite Shows

Sometimes WiFi can be spotty. Download your must-watch TV shows or films for offline viewing. Perfect for unwinding after a day of adventures.

  1. Stay Connected

Nothing beats homesickness like a good chat with someone you love. Schedule regular video calls back home. It’s almost like being in the living room together—just with different backdrops!

  1. Comfort Food, Local Style

Try to find a local version of your favourite comfort food. It’s a fun way to see how different cultures interpret your go-to meal.

  1. Pack a Hobby

Bring a bit of knitting, a sketchbook, a novel, or whatever hobby travels well. It’s a great way to relax and feel ‘normal’ after sightseeing.

  1. The Comfort Kit

Put together a small ‘comfort kit’ including tea bags, a mini speaker, earplugs, cozy socks, and skin care items. It’s your personal care package for feeling pampered anywhere.

  1. Travel Journal

Keep a travel journal to document your experiences and feelings. It’s therapeutic, helping you process the trip and making the unfamiliar more familiar.

  1. Exercise Routine

Maintain a simple exercise routine. Whether it’s yoga, stretches, or a set of sit-ups, keeping your body active also keeps the mind at ease.

  1. Local Decor

Buy a small plant or a flower for your room when you arrive. A little bit of greenery can make any space feel livelier and homier.

  1. Personalize Your Space

Temporary personal touches to your hotel room or rental can make a big difference. Arrange your toiletries and items just like you would at home, or unpack clothes into drawers rather than living out of a suitcase. This little bit of order can bring a sense of calm and familiarity.

  1. Familiar Flavors

Pack some spices or condiments that define your favorite home-cooked meals. A little sprinkle of your preferred seasoning can transform any meal abroad, making even a simple pasta or rice dish taste like home.

  1. Bring a Book

Carry a book you’ve been reading at home. Reading a few pages each night can maintain a routine and make unfamiliar bedrooms feel more like your own.

  1. Crafting on the Go

If you’re into crafts, consider packing a small, portable project like crochet or cross-stitch. Engaging in a familiar activity can be a soothing way to wind down after a day of new experiences.

  1. Small Reminders

Pack little reminders of home, like a favorite mug or a small framed photo to place on your bedside. These small tokens can provide comfort and a visual connection to your personal space back home.

  1. Nightly Routines

Maintain your usual nightly routine as much as possible. Whether that’s a cup of herbal tea before bed, journaling, or listening to a specific playlist, keeping to your routine can help anchor you wherever you are.

As you can see travel really doesn’t have to mean leaving all the comforts of home behind. So although it’s regret to embrace the place you are in, if you need a little piece of home, there’s nothing stopping you!